Crafting unforgettable visual stories for the modern
lifestyle brand
beauty brand
wellness brand
fashion brand
lifestyle brand
beauty brand
wellness brand
fashion brand
lifestyle brand
beauty brand
wellness brand
fashion brand

We are a strategy-first design studio based in Mumbai that serves modern lifestyle, beauty, wellness, and fashion brands like yours to connect with their dream customers.

We help you confidently convey your brand’s unique story through purposeful brand designs, authentic brand messages and inspiring Web Design.

Your brand deserves unforgettable visual stories that Captivate & Connect with your dream customers. Ready to know how we can help your brand?

Imagine waking up to consistent sales even when you are unable to advertise your amazing products online.

Imagine having a raving fan base and getting featured online simply because of your brand’s unique story. This right here is possible when branding is done right! 

Brand Design Studio near me

Strategically Aligned Brand Designs

Did you know, 77% of customers shop from brands that share their values, and 83% of shoppers prefer to buy from brands they trust? Meaning your customers want more than just amazing visuals and deals. They want to connect emotionally with your brand and its story. 

That’s the magic of branding. It’s the ability to tell a story, your story that resonates with your dream audience, using the words and visuals that help form an emotional bond. 

And this is why we exist! Through our Signature Process, we will uncover what truly makes you stand out - your purpose, and have positioned your brand so your brand can show up as its authentic real self each time, every time. We focus our design efforts on what makes you different and why you are the one for your dream customers.

At Amyable Studios, this is what we bring to life for you - your brand in its purest essence! So you stand out not because you have pretty visuals but because your dream customers resonate with everything you stand for!


Why work with Us

At Amyable Studios, branding is all about storytelling. It’s about weaving in visuals and words that help you rediscover your brand’s essence and purpose.

Why? Because customers don’t just want to buy from a brand, they want to be emotionally connected to the brand’s journey and its true purpose. We are here to help you do just that!

But why us? What makes us so different? As an independent studio, we are in the business of building long-lasting relationships. We want to see your brand grow and flourish by attending to every detail so your customers and fans get the experience they expect from you. 

But how do we accomplish that? How do we get you to attract your dream customers and resonate with them so you can sell purposefully?

As a strategy-first design studio, our signature design process is curated to uncover the “WHY” behind your existence so we can showcase your brand’s uniqueness in all its glory. Using visual and verbal communication tools, we design captivating branding and packaging that is one of a kind and makes you shine for everything your brand truly stands for. After all, a purposeful brand is a sustainable business in the future.

authentic intentional strategic brands /

authentic intentional strategic brands /

Modern swimwear branding by Amyable Studios

Our Unique Services

  • Crafting a compelling brand story is the key to any brand’s success - because your customers buy when they are emotionally connected with everything you as a brand stand for! Sustainable business growth is not just about pretty-looking social media posts or the right ad metrics, it’s also the right messaging that makes you stand out from the noise in the market.

    We combine our expertise in brand development with your expertise in your industry to uncover your true purpose, pinpoint your dream customer, discover your unique sauce and how you can fill the gap in the market and realign your brand's identity.

    Learn how we can create your compelling brand story here

  • You would have already heard this a million and one times - “Branding is more than just a logo”, but why so?

    Successful brand designs translate your story, message and uniqueness into visuals that trigger an emotional connection with your dream customers. It’s the marriage of art and science to get you Known, liked and Trusted so you can get selling with absolute ease.

    The ultimate goal is to express your brand's personality and purpose in a clear and compelling way, making it easier for your customers to understand and engage with your brand.

    Take a quick sneak-peak here

  • Did you know 72% of consumers say that a product’s packaging design has an impact on their decision to buy?

    Yup, it’s that big a chunk and are you ready to lose sales just because your product’s packaging does not match your customer’s vibe?

    Intentional packaging design is your silent salesperson, it not only triggers the emotional trigger to purchase but also promises an unboxing experience like no other!

    Ready to develop packaging that helps you stand out both online and on shelf?

    Find out how

  • Ever wondered how many potential customers you could have missed because of a misaligned website? Your website should not just look good but also be optimised to convert those visitors to paying customers. Your website should reveal your brand's uniqueness and visuals into messages that your visitor can connect to and remember!

    Check out how we can help

  • A compelling brand copy does not have to be so difficult to attain!

    Your brand deserves words that speak to your dream customers and conveys what matters. Your brand's copy must embody its identity, story and messaging.

    May it be your website's copy or your social media copy, it only leaves an impact when it speaks and emotionally connects with the reader.


  • Did you know 45% of people would unfollow a brand on social media because of too much self-promotion? This is why your social media presence cannot just be about your products, it needs to be social. For a brand to connect with its audience emotionally, you need to showcase your values and your story. We formulate the perfect mix of content and design engaging visuals in line with your brand’s identity.



Featured Projects


Hi, I’m Amrutha - your branding sidekick!

It’s so nice to meet you. I am a brand strategist & packaging expert based in Mumbai, India. Professionally I am known for my timeless designs that match your brand’s personality all while speaking to your audience, or who I love to call your superfans.

I love working alongside business owners who are passionate about their craft. When it comes to working with me, YOU are the expert, I just happen to ask all the right questions. Questions that result in us defining your brand essence together. I specialise in understanding your dream clients and establishing a recognizable brand through my tried and tested strategy-first approach.

There is nothing that brings me more joy than seeing brands embody their true purpose and sell confidently to their dream customers. Confidence comes only when you are truly aware of who you are as a brand and how your unique solution answers your customer’s problem. It’s finding you that cosy spot in your customers’ hearts, so you always become their first choice!

That’s the transformation my team and I bring to your brand. Excited to know how we could be the one for you?


Love Notes

A Peak at our Signature Process

Every brand has a story to tell! That's why we curate a customised service package perfect for your brand's needs and price point in mind. You deserve a personalized brand experience, especially when you are making this kind of investment. That's why we formulated our Signature Process designed to know your business better and create the brand of your vision. Are you ready to embark on this beautiful journey? Check out how we are perfect for your business.


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What kind of brand do you want to be? The one that gets scrolled past or the one that inspires & makes someone’s life more purposeful?